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360º Diagnostic

With a complete portfolio of services, we carry out a 360º diagnosis in the company, seeing all the needs that compromise the financial health of the business.
Our team has the necessary technical depth to contribute positively to your business, with extensive experience in front of large transactions.


With professionals with more than 20 years of experience and vast technical depth, our team makes a dedicated treatment in your company, in order to raise every scenario to which it is inserted, considering macro and micro economic aspects, we carry out an accurate diagnosis of your business.
Having serviced large companies, the team of our investment office, M&A and Advisory brings the best in the market, serving the small business with the high quality standard of Negocioteca.


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Corporate Finance

Diagnosis through Management DRE
Cost-cutting analysis
Renegotiation of debts
Opening credit lines
Training for financial area
Cash Flow Optimization

Business Valuation





Due Diligence

The value for which a company is offered is of total importance in a negotiation, an adequate and faithful value to the market is the basis for a transaction to be carried out. For this, our team carries out an evaluation of your company, based on practiced methods in the market, where for companies the most indicated method is the discounted cash flow valuation, which takes into account the time factor and the company's ability to generate future profit.
Due Diligence is an advanced stage in the negotiation, where a detailed audit is carried out in the company.
We conduct a diligent and diligent audit by professionals with appropriate expertise and experience.


Mergers & Acquisitions

We understand that there is a lot of pollution in the Mergers and Acquisitions market, when talking about offers to buy and sell companies it is necessary to take special care with information, and, in order to rid owners, shareholders and investors of unnecessary exposure as well as protect your information from speculation, we carry out all the steps of buying and selling a company.

Working ethically and respectfully, always taking care of the confidentiality of our clients' information, we use clear and objective processes, based on the technical depth of our team.

Want to Invest or Sell?


We help investors to invest in Brazil and abroad, conducting an active search for business and opportunities that best suit their needs, always preserving their name and brand avoiding too many expositions, giving priority to ethics and confidentiality in the handling of information.
We also bring all the assistance in the transaction and an advisory service specialized in the management of the acquired company, as well as our client also has strategies of transactional exemption and reduction of the tax burden with exclusive tools of our team.
For those who wish to sell their company or are looking for a partner investor, we assist in the preparation of the company for offering, where we find relevant and decisive information for an investor and we elaborate a teaser for presentation.
Always concerned with the security of the company's name, we work under a confidentiality agreement, with the release of names and trademarks only after the investor's real interest in the opportunity, in order to avoid speculation and undesirable deviations in the acquisition process.

Negocioteca Corporate Transactions

São Caetano do Sul | State of São Paulo | Brazil

+55 11 4901-5571

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